2015 is here now but I haven't made any resolution yet! It seems quite obvious that "stop procrastinating" still the first on the list haha! I was thinking to replace it with "stop being lazy" tho, but I realized that it's just the same thing. I am truly the human version of sloth.
Sometimes I ask myself, what are we actually celebrating? It's a celebration which marks a new beginning. Oh come on.. if it is that simple, then we should celebrate "new day" too! Doesn't that sounds cool, we celebrate every single day with fireworks and roasted corn? New day also marks a new beginning, doesn't it? What makes the difference is.. new year is celebrated on Dec 31, while new day is half heartedly celebrated because sometimes we forget about what day is today or what date is today.
Behind all of failures I had this year, I found a reason why I don't take new year as serious matter and think that new day is more important. I saw myself have no big differences than I was before. I lost a lot of chances to change myself because I thought "I could do that next year". It's not right. There are 365 days in a year and I procrastinated everything for 365 days. I set a goal to be a better person but I failed. Now it's crystal clear.
Everyone wishes for everything to be better, to get all the things we want, but we can't always get what we want. For example, me. I've always wanted tried to get into International Relations, but I ended up learning Indonesian Literature. I learnt that it is actually our task to see and make everything we get eventually be the best for us. Don't be greedy, be grateful instead!
We actually have the chance to change every day. We don't need to wait until Dec 31 to celebrate New Year just because it marks a new beginning. A new beginning starts every morning we wake up and determine ourselves to change. So from now on, my resolutions wouldn't only be made for one year term. I'd make it every day, every month, every 3 months, every 6 months, and everytime I want. I set my goal to show a positive difference at least from who I was yesterday.
And also.. I think it's not right to celebrate New Year with all those fun while somebody has just lost one or two family members. My prayers and thoughts go out to AirAsia's passengers and families, to Banjarnegara landslide's victims and families and other disasters happened in Indonesia from 2014.
But if you still want to celebrate NYE, here I send you boiled corn and boiled corn eaten with milk (pictures only, sorry :p)
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