
Jun 26, 2015

My Kind of Characters

These are my kind of character. There are a lot of awesome, bizarre, and fanciful characters which have a lot of more interesting backgrounds, more adventures to do, in greater stories, with cool personalities, though. But I was thinking, someone has to choose to be like this kind of character, they also create great stories.

Lemony Snicket who let go of Beatrice Baudelaire. They were once engaged to be married, but Beatrice broke off the engagement and eventually married Betrand Baudelaire.
For Beatrice–
Dead women tell no tales.
Sad men write them down.

For Beatrice -
When we first met, you were pretty, and I was lonely.
Now I am pretty lonely.
--> (This one is my favourite XD) 
Severus Snape, in the film, when he was asked by Dumbledore, 'Lily? After all this time', he said 'Always'.

 “But this is touching, Severus,” said Dumbledore seriously. “Have you grown to care for the boy, after all?”
“For him?” shouted Snape. “Expecto Patronum!”
From the tip of his wand burst the silver doe. She landed on the office floor, bounded once across the office, and soared out of the window. Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears.
“After all this time?”
“Always,” said Snape.” 

Joel Barrish, when he learnt Clementine erased her memories about him, he wanted it as well but he regretted it and wanted to keep his memories about her (but too late). Buuuut, he met Clementine again, as stranger, and I guess they fall for each other again. In my case, it doesn't happen. Sucks.

Joel: [in the house on the beach] I have to go. I have to catch my ride. 

Clementine: So go! 

Joel: I did. I thought maybe you were a nut... but you were exciting. 

Clementine: I wish you had stayed. 

Joel: I wish I had stayed too. NOW I wish I had stayed. I wish I had done a lot of things. I wish I had... I wish I had stayed. I do. 

Clementine: Well I came back downstairs and you were gone! 

Joel: I walked out, I walked out the door! 

Clementine: Why? 

Joel: I don't know. I felt like a scared little kid, I was like... it was above my head, I don't know.

Clementine: You were scared? 

Joel: Yeah. I thought you knew that about me. I ran back to the bonfire, trying to outrun my humiliation, I think. 

Clementine: Was it something I said? 

Joel: Yeah... you said "so go." With such disdain, you know? 

Clementine: Oh, I'm sorry. 

Joel: It's okay.
[Walking Out

Clementine: Joely? What if you stayed this time? 

Joel: I walked out the door. There's no memory left. 

Clementine: Come back and make up a good-bye at least. Let's pretend we had one.
[Joel comes back. Clementine walks down the stairs towards him

Clementine: Bye Joel. 

Joel: I love you.

Annelies Mellema, when she knew she has to leave her loved one. She knew she could never live without him, but she let go of everything. 

“Mas, we were happy together ?"
"Of course, Ann."
"Remember only that happiness, Mas, nothing else.” 


You can die of a broken heart -- it's scientific fact -- and my heart has broken since that very first day we met. First because the distance, but I took it easily. Second because I took everything too seriously. I can now feel aching deep behind my rib cage each time I think about you. I heard that's what happened on the first time people broke up with someone they really love. It's no use to tell you how much I love you now. I should use past tenses.

People say women are created from men's ribs. Under his arms to be protected, near to his heart to be loved. I thought I was yours. I'm so silly to keep believing it. I've told you, I took everything too seriously. I don't blame anyone because of it, it's all my fault.

Sometimes the only one who can mend a broken heart is the one who broke it. I won't ask you to fix me. Some other time the one who can mend a broken heart is a new 'someone'. I don't choose both. My life is still going on and it will stop when I die. I haven't died yet. I choose to keep on walking with that broken heart.

I don't remember any dreams without you. I don't remember any memories without you. I don't remember when it started. I wanted to go to see the world with you, I wanted to meet a lot of people with you, I wanted to live with you. Now I try to remove 'with you' things behind my dreams. I start a new beginning alone. I want to go to see the world. I want to meet a lot of people. I want to live. 

I want to see the real things about love and happiness.

I don't know if I want to meet someone and love someone again. I don't think I want. Love is dangerous thing. It could make you barely sleeping for two reasons :  1. It brings you to the air, 2. It throws you to the ground. I have ever felt both and I have enough. Love is healing and also hurting. I want to keep away from it.

Anyway, you will go on. My time with you is done already. You have found someone who can give you more life and happy times. If you love someone you have to keep her by your side, you have to make her feel she's really yours and show it to people, don't hide her. Honestly, I am not happy! I am not happy that you are not mine, I am not happy that you are with somebody else. But that's mean, all I can do is wishing you are happy in your own way. It's all ok for me, I'm ok to be alone. 

People who broke up sometimes stay strangers forever. I have at least the memories with you which I can't remove, and I can't loose the way I feel about you. If I'm lucky, I can keep those memories and feelings for myself until the death buries me back to the ground. If I'm not, that's also okay because you have forgotten those too.

Sadly to know, I'm your easiest hello but not your hardest good bye.

The one who is now a stranger,

Jun 24, 2015

It Is Not Like The Movie~

Selama liburan ini saya jadi tidak produktif. Padahal pas UAS sok-sokan bikin to-do list liburan gitu, sambil ngomel-ngomel 'duh... pokoknya kalo liburaaan... harus bla-bla-bla-bla.....' Sekarang pas udah punya (terlalu) banyak waktu, yang ada malah tidur, tidur, tidur, makan, tidur. Mandi cukup sehari sekali aja. Online, cek socmed, cek blog, latian prancis/jerman nggak pernah. Baca buku seminggu dua kali. Sisanya nonton serial Larva terus balik tidur lagi. Mungkin besok saya akan dipecat jadi anak.

Oh ya, ngomong-ngomong tentang buku ya, kemaren harusnya saya bikin review buku-buku yang udah selese dibaca. Sek ya, sek males. Ehehe

Oke-oke, jadi pas kemaren buka-buka lepi yang udah-bolak-bolak-diservis-tapi-masih-ada-aja-yang-bermasalah-tapi-aku-tetep-cinta-kamu-laptop *salah fokus* akhirnya malah keasikan nonton film. Jadi berasa dvd-marathon gitu lho, cuma ini nggak pake dvd ataupun dvd player. Nggak ada snack, nggak ada kopi-teh-coklat-es jeruk-soda gembira, nggak ada pyjamas party, nggak ada temen nonton, pokoknya nggak ada apa-apa. Iya, saya jomblo *yang nanya?*

Eh lupa ding, kan lagi puasaan, jadi emang snack lagi dilabelin haram selama siang hari dan halal ketika terdengar adzan maghrib.

Lanjut. Pas nonton film gitu, bukan sekali-dua kali-tiga kali-empat kali gitu terus sampe kucing mau kawin sama gajah, ada kepikiran tentang hal-hal di film yang nggak masuk akal, tapi kita iya-iyain aja. Ya ini emang kayaknya saya yang agak bego, udah tau film masih aja dibahas lagi. Tapi beneran lho, alangkah serunya jika

Pernah nonton Sucker Punch? Di situ ada Emily Browning. Kenal Emily Browning? Kalo kenal bagi nomor hapenya dong... sapa tau kita bisa jadi sohib karib. Oke, jadi ada adegan si Emily bertarung hebat. Dia ngelawan banyak musuh-musuh yang bener-bener nggak imbang. Jadi dia sampe kebanting-banting, jatuh keperosok sana-sini, tapi DIA GA LECET GITU LHO!! 0____0 Dia tetep mulus gitu aja lhooo coba kalo saya yang main kan udah masuk ambulans duluan sebelum pegang senjata T.T

Atau Hermione Granger. Pas di Harry Potter 3 (males nulis judulnya kepanjangan) pipinya dijait, tapi dia tetep mulus aja gitu lho setelah beberapa lamaaa... nggak ada bekas. Apa diilangin pake sihir ya? ._.

Ya gitu. Coba kalo hal-hal gini kejadian di dunia nyata kan meskipun udah bolak-balik saya luka-luka tapi tetap kembali mulus seperti newborn baby :'))

Jun 9, 2015

Broke Up

What a loss to spend that much time with someone, only to find out that she's a stranger - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

What a loss to spend that much time with someone, only to find out that he's a stranger.